Saturday, October 31, 2015


Leo and Isobel went to Grandad's office today!
They managed to score some treats!

Friday, October 30, 2015

Swim time

Mummy forgot to bring Leo's swimming shorts to Seattle so she treated him to some new ones - he chose ones just like Daddy's.
Here he is refusing to pose: 
Grandma cheered him up!
Leo was pretty excited when he got to the Pro Club! They were all ready for Halloween!
Swimming really tired him out!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015


It was a spooky foggy morning when we arrived at the pumpkin farm!
Leo and Isobel loved the duck racing!
Leo wondered if he'd found Daddy's tractor..
He let Isobel drive with him.
We all enjoyed a hay ride!
Leo and Isobel enjoyed a wheelbarrow ride!
Leo was exhausted by the end of his adventure!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Uh oh Lego

This lucky boy was treated to yet more new Lego today.. He looked pretty chuffed!
Mummy helped a little bit! It did say age 7+ after all!
Leo wasn't very interested in boot shopping..

Monday, October 26, 2015

Photo session

Leo and Isobel had a 5 minute Halloween photo shoot today!
Leo insisted on wearing his costume in the car.
Uncle Richard captured some of the action.
Leo chilled out afterwards with his piano buddy.
Then he chilled out with his ice cream buddy!

Friday, October 23, 2015


Craft Friday again - this is Leo's broomstick, inspired by this week's book, Room on the Broom. 
Concentrating face during the reading of Room on the Broom at the end of the hour. 
Trying on his new Gruffalo slippers in the shoe shop

Trying to pull a stern face

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Mysterious Gnomes

These characters appeared in the front garden. We don't know which Galaxy they from but we like them..

Sunday, October 18, 2015


Up to Hackney where Mummy, Daddy and Leo all did a 10K in Victoria Park (25% further than Daddy has managed in the running buggy before). Lots of autumn leaves to play in. 
And then the run. Leo taught us a new stretch 
And then was very patient and helpful all the way round with Daddy (except for the wee break at 2K). At the finish, Leo discovered Krispy Kreme doughnuts..

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Best in show

Today, we went to a massive dog show / expo - lots of breeds, shows, toys, and dogs to stroke every which way you turned. This Australian Shepherd was one of our favourites. 
But as far as we were concerned, Leo was the best in show!

Friday, October 16, 2015

Snip snip

Back to the hairdressers again, as his fringe was out of control. 
They promised the curls would come back

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Scooby dooby doooooo!

Leo's Halloween costume arrived..
His reaction when he saw himself in the mirror