Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Heat wave

It's a London heat wave and Leo cooled off with his pal Ffion after nursery in the garden!

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Festival Time

While others were rocking at Glastonbury, we were singing and dancing along to Frozen in Hyde Park. 
Pulling Mummy's hair
Stroking Daddy's hair
And dancing in the rain

Saturday, June 27, 2015


The occasion of Granny and Grandpa's 45th wedding anniversary brought us all to Stevenage, starting in a country pub with a big garden for cousins to run around in. 
And then off for a walk with Auntie Cake and Uncle Alix
Tapping Sasha's bottom with a branch 
And some important log business
And riding the slide
All finished off with some trampolining
That'll make for some sound sleeping!

Friday, June 26, 2015

Barbers, DadandLeo

After several visits to a children's hairdresser with Thomas seats and Peppa Pig to watch, today was Leo's first visit to a grown-up's barbers. And he was very good and patient. 
It was the first time we'd seen his ears properly in a couple of years
He was sat next to Daddy
And sat on a special bench for big boys
We look forward to the curls growing back, but it's good for him to get it out of his eyes and have it light for the summer. And strange and interesting for us to see this different, grown-up boy. 

Monday, June 22, 2015


Leo wound down from nursery with some spinning in the front garden!
He's finally discovered that washing his hair can be fun!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Come home Daddy!

Leo was on top form at the Horniman this morning!
By this afternoon he was really missing his Daddy - "I want Daddy! I want Daddy!" he cried when he woke up from his nap.
Happily the boys are now reunited!

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Family Fun Day

Today was the St Christopher's Family Fun Day. Leo had an awesome time on the bouncy castle!
He got his face painted for the first time! Who did he want to be?
Spider-Man of course!
Here he is outside St Christopher's.
This afternoon Leo decided his rabbit puppet should drive his bike!
He's very in to his puppets at the moment!
Since Daddy was away, Mummy took Leo out for an early dinner. Cheers!
Leo was more interested in his new Lego set!


Friday, June 19, 2015

Ice cream moustache

Today Leo discovered strawberry cheesecake ice cream! He declared he'd like to have ice cream with "Grandma, Grandad, Granny, Grandpa and my cousins" - hopefully we can make that happen soon!