Friday, February 28, 2014


Leo has been all cuddles today - especially after he woke up from his nap!

Leo does enjoy a trip to a cafe - there's always so much to see!

Leo's highlight of the day was his new "Diggers" book!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Slippy character

I've found some slippers 
Now, what to do with them?
Forget the slippers, gimme that phone!

But he can cuddle too
As can the two little boys

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Craft time

Craft time - Leo was learning how to use his scissors!
 Today Leo wanted to wear his Boggs - everywhere he went!
 And he wanted to put them on all by himself!
 An afternoon stop for coffee and water.
 And then off to the library!

Monday, February 24, 2014


It was a busy day at nursery for Leo, and at work for Mummy, so they were both glad to get home for a nice bedtime.
Bath first!
Then storytime. "Room on the Broom" is a current hit.
 "Witch fall down!"
Night night!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Visiting a Yateley home

We went down to Hampshire for a day at Uncle David, Auntie Fiona, Gordon and Ewan's home. Leo has got a bit of a cold and wasn't looking his best on the way there.
But he perked up once we arrived and he saw how much Duplo there was to play with.
Leo found other entertainment too. 
And David danced with him to that Laing family favourite, You Cannae Throw Your Granny Off The Bus. 
Gordon showed Leo the horses at the bottom of the back garden. 
And then Leo was ready to go for a walk to the park. 

So off we went...
...dodging the puddles on the way.
Now that's what I call a satisfied customer. 

Saturday, February 22, 2014


This giggly boy was actually falling asleep in his melon..
Surfer dude

Friday, February 21, 2014

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tuesdays with Mummy

Leo loved opening his card from Grandma and Grandad this morning. He didn't need any help!

 On the strange kids' cross-trainer at Diddy Dinos..
 Leo's response to "smile" for the camera..
 His current favourite book - Room on the Broom (sound edition)
 Leo vs yoghurt

Officially verified - Leo can count to 9!